Participate in research

Participate in research

Participating in research can be an exciting opportunity to get paid to contribute to scientific studies in pre-empt. Our pre-empt scientists have a number of projects available across our research sites of Melbourne, Adelaide, Perth, Brisbane, Groningen, and Munich. 

Study NameDetails
CanARYThe CanARY study (Cannabidiol for At Risk Youth) is currently recruiting participants in Victoria, Western Australia and Queensland. CanARY aims to work out whether cannabidiol (CBD) can reduce symptoms in young people at heightened risk for developing psychosis.  It will also look at whether CBD improves other symptoms including anxiety, depression, and quality of life in young people at heightened risk for developing psychosis. More details on CanARY here
PRESCIENTAn exciting project running in Adelaide and Melbourne is PRESCIENT, which is a large international initiative (ampscz) aiming to predict the onset of mental illness. We are looking for people who are currently experiencing mental health difficulties and those who are not. More details on PRESCIENT here

If you are a young person interested in participating in research and want to ask questions about which study to apply to please email Dr. Dominic Dwyer

This important initiative would not be possible without the generous support of our partners.